How It Works
The Crimestoppers program is straightforward and effective. Macon Regional Crimestoppers offers rewards of up to $2,000 for tips that lead to arrests.
Leads or “tips” can be provided to Crimestoppers through our tip line at 478.742.2330 or 1.877.68CRIME or via our online tip submission. The Crimestoppers tip line is completely anonymous and allows information providers or “tipsters” to be sure of their privacy and help law enforcement agencies without the fear of becoming involved in the process. Tipsters are not required to provide their name and Crimestoppers does not use Caller ID or other methods to track or trace the call.

Every tip is assigned a unique tip ID number that is provided to the tipster. It’s very important that tipsters keep track of this number.
It’s the only piece of information that connects the caller with the case, and tipsters must use the tip number when they call to check on a reward. If the tip number is lost, there’s no way to otherwise identify the caller or connect the tipster with the arrest. Our purpose is to collect information that leads to a reduction of crime in the communities we serve. The best way to do that is to protect the identity of our tipsters. To us, you’re a number – and that’s good!
Rewards are provided for tips that lead to arrests of criminals wanted in or located in our eight-county service area. Tipsters are eligible for a reward if an arrest is a direct result of the tip they provide.
Rewards are issued if an arrest is made. To claim a reward, tipsters must call Crimestoppers to check the status of the tip using the tip number. A reward cannot be claimed without the tip number. The amount of the reward is determined by Crimestoppers according to the offense and the details pertaining to the arrest. The reward can be as much as $2,000. Additional reward money may also be offered by other sources.
If a reward is awarded to a tipster, funds can be claimed using the tip number. The tipster will be instructed as to what day the reward is available for pick up and which bank will be assigned. At the bank, the tipster will need to provide the same tip number he or she was provided during the initial call. The bank will issue a check to the tip ID number and the check may be cashed with an endorsement using the same tip ID number, keeping the tipster anonymous.
Student CrimeStoppers
The Student Crimestoppers program works similarly to our main program. Student Crimestoppers is a program for middle and high school students to make anonymous reports of illegal activities at the schools. The students receive a reward for their help in controlling illegal activities in our schools. Students will be allowed to report any criminal activity to Crimestoppers while at school by requesting to use the school’s telephone to call Crimestoppers at 478.742.2330 or 1.877.68CRIME. The student must make a request to make the call to Crimestoppers by asking a building administrator or a campus police officer.

Upon the completion of the student’s call, a special identification number called a “tip number” which is followed by the letter “S” will be issued to the student, who must keep track of the tip number to claim a reward. Information provided to Crimestoppers is routed to the campus police, who will conduct a full investigation of the report.
Once the investigation is completed, the student will receive his/her reward if the allegation is found to be true, disciplinary action is taken, or an arrest is made.
All disciplinary action held against any student will follow the procedures designated by the policies of the county or local Board of Education. Crimestoppers is not involved in any disciplinary actions taken against any student or investigation of a tip or crime.
Once the student has received their tip ID number, he/she will be asked to return a call to Crimestoppers within a 24-hour period. If the claim is validated as true, or school disciplinary action is taken, the student caller will receive the name and location of the bank where their reward may be claimed. The special identification number or tip number will be used for verification at the bank. Any person with the special identification number is permitted to receive the reward.
The tipster can only claim a reward with the identification number that was issued. If the number is lost or given to someone else, there will not be a new number assigned. Anyone that has your identification number can redeem the reward given for that number. The reward is issued in the form of a check made out to the identification number. The student can endorse the check by writing the same code number on the back in the endorsement area. Crimestoppers protects the anonymity of tipsters, so a signature endorsement isn’t required.
The check can be cashed at the time of pick up or later on. The check can only be cashed at a bank. All payments will be issued and approved in accordance with the legal standards of Macon Regional Crimestoppers.
At no time during the student transaction with Crimestoppers will the student’s personal identity be required. The student caller remains completely anonymous. The student is encouraged to call Crimestoppers from the school but can always call the tip line from their home and remain anonymous.
Rewards will be issued for truthful allegations, disciplinary actions taken, or arrests made involving the following areas of criminal activity:
- Automobile Theft (paid only upon arrest or conviction)
- Bomb Threats
- BB Gun/Pellet Gun Reported and Recovered
- False Alarm (paid only upon proven conviction)
- Gang-related Crime
- Guns Reported and Recovered
- Illegal Entry of an Automobile on School Property
- Illegal Weapons (any object recognized as a weapon by Board of Education policy)
- Information That Leads to the Recovery of Stolen Property
- Narcotics (recovery)
- Possession of a Dischargeable Toy Gun
- Possession of Narcotics
- Sexual Assault/Rape/Battery
- Theft
- Vandalism